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Brattleboro Youth Soccer Association

Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct for Players:

  1. Players are responsible for the return, in good condition, of all equipment and uniforms issued to them. Players will be charged for all materials not returned or returned in poor condition.

  2. General conduct on and off the field and while representing the BYSA shall be such as to bring no discredit to the BYSA, the team, or the player.

  3. Players will respect their playing facilities and those of other teams, both at home and away.

  4. Play by the rules.

  5. Remember that the goals of the game are to have: fun, improve your skills, and feel good. Be a team player -don't be a show-off or always out to get the most points for yourself

  6. Never argue with the officials' decision. Let your team captain or coach ask any necessary questions.

  7. Control your temper! No "mouthing off" or other displays are permitted. Remember that the officials are instructed to show the red card and send off any player who uses foul or abusive language. Some referees are very strict about this and will redcard even a mild expletive. Showboating, particularly after a goal, is strongly discouraged in the interests of sportsmanship; if overdone, showboating becomes taunting, is a cautionable offense, and must be controlled.

  8. Cooperate with your coach, team-mates, referees, and opponents ~ for without them you don't have a game.


Code of Conduct for Coaches:

  1. Teach your players that an honest and 100% effort is as important as the victory itself so that the result of the game is accepted without undue disappointment.

  2. Be reasonable in your demands on the player's time, energy, and enthusiasm. Remember that they have other interests.

  3. Teach your players that the rules of the game are mutual agreements which no one should evade or break.

  4. Ensure that equipment meets safety standards and is appropriate for the age and ability of the players.

  5. Develop team respect for the ability of opponents, as well as for the judgment of officials and opposing team coaches. If you, as a coach, demonstrate disrespect for an official or an opposing team, your players will also.

  6. Remember, players need a coach they respect. Be generous with your praise when it is deserved. Criticism must be constructive. If criticism is directed at a personality instead of the behavior it becomes destructive. Never ridicule players.

  7. Player motivation is directly related to self-image and self-esteem. The coach plays a critical role in motivation. Players need positive reinforcement and affirmation for good effort and work. At the same time, players need to be challenged. The proper amount of challenge and support will enhance motivation.

  8. Maintain a healthy perspective for competition and winning. Participants play for the challenge, fun, and enjoyment of the sport. Winning is only one part of the experience. The best competitive atmosphere stresses the individual competing with himself/herself to improve. When this value is promoted, the likelihood of team success is enhanced.

  9. Coaches are teachers. The purposes of youth soccer include developing character and self-esteem, as well as soccer skills. Be a model and be sensitive to players’ feelings. There are players who are naturally good without your teaching. One of your greatest satisfaction should be to bring the lesser player up to grade and teach all of your players’ new skills.

  10. Sportsmanship should be constantly stressed to the players.

  11. Maximize player leadership and responsibility. Transfer ownership of the team's success (in practice and games) to the players as much as possible, this approach encourages player self-discipline.

  12. During games, a properly coached team does not require a coach to constantly instruct the players who are on the field. A loud demonstrative coach is ineffective. Instruction must occur primarily in practice and on the bench.

  13. All players should receive adequate playing time, which in general shall be a minimum of one-half of the game. If a player is good enough to make the team, (s)he can expect to play. The coach, however, shall be given latitude in determining playing time in specific games or situations. A coach may judiciously and appropriately use playing time as a motivational tool, particularly in addressing problems created by players who have excessive absences from practice or who are clearly uncooperative and unmotivated. Players need to know when they are not performing appropriately. Disciplinary use of playing time must be handed out fairly and equally to all, and in accordance with other Rules and Policies herein.

  14. Improving player behavior is primarily the coach's responsibility. Detel1llll1e what is behind poor behavior or attitude? Treat the source of the problem, not the symptom. Get to know your players as individuals. Seek advice from colleagues.

  15. Make a personal commitment to keep yourself informed on sound coaching principles and the principles for the growth and development of your players.

  16. Players should have fun while playing; therefore, coaches should work to create an atmosphere in which the players feel comfortable while they learn the skills of soccer.


Code of Conduct for Spectators:

  1. Remember that the participants in youth soccer are in it for their own fun and enjoyment. They are not there to entertain you. They are not miniature professional athletes.

  2. Be on your best behavior. Do not use profane or abusive language. Do not harass the players, coaches or officials.

  3. Parents are encouraged to applaud good plays, not only those of your own team but also those of the opposing team.

  4. Show respect for your team's opponents. (Without them there would be no game.)

  5. Never ridicule or scold a player for making a mistake during a game.

  6. Condemn the use of violence and unsportsmanlike conduct in all forms.

  7. Respect the official and the official's decisions.

  8. Encourage the players to always play by the rules.


Codes of Conduct for Parents:

  1. Do not force an unwilling child to participate in the sport. Remember that children are involved in organized sports for their enjoyment, not yours.

  2. Encourage your child to always play by the rules.

  3. Teach your child that an honest and 100% effort is as important as the victory itself so that the result of the game is accepted without undue disappointment.

  4. Turn defeat into victory by helping your child work towards skill development and good sportsmanship. Never ridicule your child for losing a competition or making a mistake.

  5. Remember that children learn best by example. Applaud good plays by your child's team and by members of the opposing team.

  6. Do not publicly question the official's judgment and never question their honesty.

  7. Support all efforts to remove physical and verbal abuse from children's sporting activities.

  8. Recognize the value and importance of volunteer coaches. They give generously of their time and resources to provide recreational activities for your child.

Code of Conduct PDF version

Disciplinary Procedures

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